Dive In & Get Involved
The Water Trail is a living project that requires ongoing resources and people power.
Cheat River Water Trail Committee
The Upper Cheat River Water Trail Committee is Friends of the Cheat’s core group of volunteers guiding the Water Trail project. The group strives to meet monthly to discuss access site needs, project and funding opportunities, events, and sometimes we get together to just have fun!
The Committee always welcomes new volunteers. Contact the Committee Chairs, Dave and Pam Ruediger, (304-747-8412 or 304-532-3580) to learn more about the group and get added to our Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cheat-river-water-trail-committee) to say informed of Committee activities.
Adopt an Access Site
Call Dave Ruediger, (304-747-8412) or come to the next meeting (see site above) if you or your group is interested in sponsoring an Access Site or a section of the Trail. We’d love to have you or your group on-board and we can work out details!
The Trail depends on volunteers to stay operational!